Saturday, January 12, 2008

Dominick 1 year "GOTCHA" Anniversary

Today marks Dominick's 1 year Anniversary of being home. We celebrated by going bowling. We had a ton of fun and as I type this post we are relaxing comfortably on mommy and daddy's bed eating ice cream and watching "Surfs Up".

I cannot believe how fast time and flown and how much he has grown. Dominick is incredibly smart and very affectionate. He has brought so much joy to our house and hearts!
We met Dominick (Gustavo) January 19, 2006. We were on our visit trip for Marissa (2 months old at that time). I took one look at Dominick and was instantly pulled towards him. He was shy and reserved, but when he smiled he lit up the room. Paul and I returned home from our visit trip and even though I had little contact with Dominick, Paul and I discussed our options. Well as you can see, we put our faith to the Lord; as it always has been and have a very energetic, happy, intelligent sweet little boy.
Many adoptive parents consider their Gotcha day the first day they picked up their child, we consider ours, the day we arrived home and had family and friends with us to celebrate.

First Time we met Dominick...Fell in love instantly!!

That smile melts me!


Anonymous said...

Happy "Gotcha Day" Dominick!
The Preiss Family
(Merrill, Ashton, Madison and John)

Laurie said...

OMG what an adorable little Prince. That smile would melt me too! Your whole family is beautiful!