Monday, July 2, 2007


As a family we try to find something we all enjoy...6 different personalities, sometimes is hard! But we all LOVE to go camping. This is Marissa's 2nd year camping, although she probably doesn't remember a whole lot last year! And this is Dominick's 1st year camping, so far he is enjoying it.

This year we bought a used pontoon and can now take the kids tubing, which they all loved and fought over who got to go first...yes even Marissa.

As 4th of July is only a couple of days I can't help but think of all the opportunities and freedom Dominick and Marissa will now have. Even moreso, I can't stop thinking about all the joy they have brought to our family since thier homecomings. I can't wait to see thier faces when they see the fireworks.

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